Legal Notice

The owner of this website is AUSSA (Aparcamientos Urbanos, Servicios y Sistemas, S.A.) with address at Calle Genil s/n 41001 Sevilla, and C.I.F A41946211. Registered in the Mercantile Register of Seville, Volume 787, General Secretariat of Companies, Folio 81, Page SE-35646 Contact form.


Access to this website is free of charge and viewing it does not require any prior subscription or registration. It is subject to the prior reading and acceptance by the User of the terms, conditions, communications, warnings and other legal notices contained in this document. If the User does not agree with the content of these General Conditions of Use, he/she must leave this website.

Likewise, he/she expressly and without exception accepts that access to and use of this website, its services and the contents of said services takes place under his/her sole and exclusive responsibility.

AUSSA may unilaterally modify, at any time it deems appropriate, the configuration of this website, the conditions of the service and its content, as well as eliminate, limit or suspend them temporarily or definitively, as well as prevent access to them.


The User undertakes to use the Web or the services provided through it for lawful purposes or effects, undertaking not to damage, alter, render useless or deteriorate the Web or its services, or prevent normal enjoyment of the Web by other Users. The User also undertakes not to introduce, among others, programmes, viruses, macros, applets, ActiveX controls or any other device that may cause any type of alteration to the computer systems of the owner of the Website or of third parties.

The User guarantees that the activities that he/she carries out will in no case be offensive to the good name and commercial image of AUSSA, to other Users of the Website or to third parties.

The User undertakes to make appropriate and lawful use of the contents and services that AUSSA offers through its website and not to use them for illicit or illegal activities or those contrary to good faith and public order, to disseminate contents or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic-illegal nature, in support of terrorism or against human rights. The User also undertakes not to cause damage to the systems of AUSSA, its suppliers or third parties, to introduce or spread computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that may cause the aforementioned damage, as well as to attempt to access and, where appropriate, use the e-mail accounts of other Users and to modify or manipulate their messages.

In any case, AUSSA will not be responsible or indemnify for any damages that may arise, either for the opinions expressed or abuses of the Users through its website.


AUSSA is the owner of all the Intellectual Property rights of its web pages, as well as of the elements contained therein. The User undertakes to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights owned by AUSSA. You may view the elements of the different websites and even print them, copy them and store them in the hard disk of your computer or in any other physical support as long as it is, solely and exclusively, for your personal and private use, being, therefore, strictly forbidden the transformation, distribution, public communication, making available or any other form of exploitation, as well as their modification or alteration. EXCLUSION OF GUARANTEES AND LIABILITY FOR THE OPERATION OF THE WEBSITE AND ITS SERVICES.

AUSSA is not responsible, under any circumstances, for damages of any nature that may be caused by, but not limited to: errors or omissions in the contents, lack of availability of the portal, the correct visualisation, or the transmission of viruses or malicious or harmful programmes in the contents, which may occur despite constantly adopting all the necessary technological measures to avoid this. It reserves the right to make unannounced changes it deems appropriate in its websites, and may change, delete or add content and services provided through the same, as well as the way in which they are presented or located on their websites.


In the links to other portals or websites not managed by AUSSA, this company declares that it does not exercise any control over these sites nor is it responsible for their content. The links that this website may contain will only be offered as informative references, without any type of assessment of the contents, owners, services or products offered from the same.

In any case, AUSSA will be exonerated from all responsibility and will be exempt from any type of claim, either in relation to the services provided by said third parties or in relation to any claims of any nature and/or lawsuits that may be filed in relation to the same or derived from them.


The relationship between AUSSA and the User will be governed by Spanish law. For the resolution of any discrepancy that may arise between both parties, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, they submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Seville.


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We inform you that you can reject the use and installation of cookies from this website by changing the configuration of your browser, being able to continue using this website, although we warn you that the experience of using our website may be limited.


By accepting this clause, you consent to us processing your personal data for the purpose of collecting certain general information automatically, including information relating to the "site usage" of all visitors to the website. This data is only used in aggregate. General Information helps us to identify general usage patterns and to modify the site in order to improve the user experience.

Cookies do not collect Personal Information and AUSSA does not combine the information obtained through cookies with other Personal Information to know your identity or even your e-mail address.

AUSSA's privacy policy assures you, in any case, the exercise of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, limitation, portability and opposition in the terms established in the current legislation. Therefore, AUSSA guarantees the adoption of the necessary measures to ensure the confidential treatment of said data and informs you of the possibility of exercising your rights, in accordance with said regulations, by contacting AUSSA, Genil s/n 41001 Sevilla 41001 Sevilla or at the e-mail: