Monday to Friday
From 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Manage with Apparkya everything you need about the blue zone. Select below the city you wish to obtain information.
* These rates are for information purposes only. The official rate applicable at any given time is published in the current tax ordinance. The fines are cancelled with the cancellation code on the parking meter or on the Apparkya app. Only fines for excess time will be cancelled. To make a complaint, please contact Gestión de Sanciones Ayuntamiento de Sevilla.
GES (Gestión de Estacionamiento en Superficie) is the current name given to the former zona azul, ORA (Ordenanza Reguladora de Aparcamiento), which regulates parking in the different zones, which are divided according to parking time, blue zone, green zone and MAR zone in the city of Sevilla.
Although colloquially the surface parking regulation is called ‘Blue Zone’, it is important to know that there are three different tariffs that vary in price and parking time: **Sea Zone (Very High Turnover), Blue Zone (High Turnover) and Green Zone (Low Turnover).
Electric vehicles will be exempt from paying the first ticket of the day of the regulation tax, if they meet the requirements for obtaining the Electric Badge (see the section on residents), for which the badge must be accompanied by an hourly marker.
Vehicles transporting people with reduced mobility and always displaying the PMR card in full visibility on the windscreen, are exempt from payment in the whole area.
According to Ordinance they are exempt from payment. However, these vehicles NOT may park in the parking spaces regulated by the regulated parking, only in the places designated for this purpose.
Monday to Friday
From 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.