Frequently asked questions

In this section you will find, sorted by sections, the most frequently asked questions related to the most common incidents of our users.

If you do not find a suitable answer to your needs, we invite you to contact our customer service through the form in the ‘contact’ area.

Regulated Parking Zone

If we buy a ticket outside the regulated timetable, either at the parking meter or in the mobile payment application, we will be given a ticket valid for the next regulated time slot, with the time corresponding to the amount entered.

Depending on the Municipal Ordinance of your locality you may be exempt or not, if you are exempt, you can park with a PRM card without having to buy a ticket, leaving it with the expiry date visible on the dashboard. Refer to localities zone.

If we buy a ticket outside the regulated timetable, either at the parking meter or in the mobile payment application, we will be given a ticket valid for the next regulated time slot, with the time corresponding to the amount entered.

Consult the Municipal Ordinance of your locality (link)Refer to localities area. Consult the Municipal Ordinance of your locality (link)Refer to localities area.

Depending on your locality and the Municipal Ordinance, the regulated zone has different rates, timetables, residents' badges, exemptions such as electric or hybrid vehicles, PRM, official vehicles, etc. We recommend you click on your locality to check:

Depending on your locality and the Municipal Ordinance, the regulated zone has different rates, timetables, residents' badges, exemptions such as electric or hybrid vehicles, PRM, official vehicles, etc. We recommend you click on your locality to check:

Depending on your locality and the Municipal Ordinance, the regulated zone has different rates, timetables, residents' badges, exemptions such as electric or hybrid vehicles, PRM, official vehicles, etc. We recommend you click on your locality to check:

In Seville, the regulated zone in the Bami (around the has different timetables from the rest of the city. Below you can consult the information on timetables and fares. Hospital Virgen del Rocío)has different timetables from the rest of the city. Below you can consult the information on timetables and fares.

Depending on your locality and the Municipal Ordinance, the regulated zone has different rates, timetables, residents' badges, exemptions such as electric or hybrid vehicles, PRM, official vehicles, etc. We recommend you click on your locality to check:

Depending on your locality and the Municipal Ordinance, the regulated zone has different rates, timetables, residents' badges, exemptions such as electric or hybrid vehicles, PRM, official vehicles, etc. We recommend you click on your locality to check:

Depending on your locality and the Municipal Ordinance, the regulated zone has different rates, timetables, residents' badges, exemptions such as electric or hybrid vehicles, PRM, official vehicles, etc. We recommend you click on your locality to check: